Monday, December 31, 2012

Studying possibilities in Poland

We are working on free of charge, interactive webinar about studying possibilities in Poland and we would like to invite potential Polish/American students to join the session. Would that be possible to send out our link to the registration form with your newsletter or simply paste it on your website?

If there are young people interested in coming back to Poland for studying period that's definitely interesting opportunity for them.

I'm pasting it here for you as well so you know how it looks like:

Best regards,


Marta Pawlikowska
Online Event Manager

Rambla de Catalunya 66, 5 D
08007 Barcelona, Spain

Mob: 0034 636 419 742
What is a International Student Recruitment Webinar (4 min.)?:

1 comment:

Marta said...

Thank you Piotr for posting it.

Just to explain a little bit further - the webinar will be about studying International Business and Management at Kozminski University in Poland.

It's very interactive so you get a chance to ask all the questions you have.

Registering and attending is free of charge!