Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Summer Language Workshop at Indiana: Beginning Polish. Funding available

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Indiana University Summer Language Workshop continues to accept applications for intensive first-year Polish language study (June 9 - August 1, 2014) on the Bloomington campus. The program features 20 contact hours weekly, twice-weekly Polish table, films, food tastings, and other culturally rich extracurricular programming. 

Applications for Summer FLAS to fund Polish study in the Workshop are also still being accepted by IU's Russian and East European Institute (contingent upon availability of additional funds).

See for more information and to apply.

In 2014, the Workshop will also offer intensive language courses in Arabic, Hindi-Urdu, Hungarian, Mongolian, Persian, Romanian, Russian, Swahili, Tatar, Turkish, and Uzbek.

Questions? Please contact or 812-855-2889.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Beyond Headlines: Crisis in Ukraine

Raleigh, Sunday, March 2nd.

The purpose of this demonstration was to support and honor the fallen heroes of Maidan and to condemn recent Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Hamilton Hall, Rm. 569, 4.00pm -- ALL WELCOME
[metered parking: at Morehead Planetarium]

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
FedEx GEC #4003