Saturday, November 8, 2014

2014 PAC Election

According to the POLISH-AMERICAN CLUB OF THE TRIANGLE CONSTITUTIONAND BY-LAWS, ARTICLE V, Section 1, Nominations for an Executive Board (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) position are entirely voluntary. Any member may submit his/her name to the nominating committee or may be nominated from the floor prior to the ballot election. The nominating committee must announce the list of the nominees two weeks prior to the meeting before, in which the election takes place. Nominees must be members in good standing.  Nominees are encouraged to be present at the meeting where election takes place.  In case a nominee is not present for the election, such nominee must be available via voice or video call, in order to confirm their acceptance of nominated position.

We encourage submission of names of eligible candidates to Dr. Hanka Gracz, Chair of the Nominations Committee, at

The official election is being planned to take place on Thursday December 4th, 7:00 PM, at the 1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC.  The regular PAC monthly meeting (Tuesday, December 2nd) is being rescheduled to Thursday December 4th.

All members are encouraged to participate.


PAC Executive Board