Why are meetings and official gatherings conducted in English?

The Club was started in 1981 by Poles and children of Polish immigrants. Most spoke Polish but there were some that did not. To make sure everyone knew what's going on, English become the business language for meetings and official gatherings. Today, a lot of members speak Polish but there is a small percantage that does not. Again, to make sure everyone knows what's going on, English is the official language. Polish is used almost exclusively when only Polish speakers get together.

Who can join the Club?

Everyone is welcome. If you are Polish, or have family or friends that are Polish or simply you are interested in Poland, please feel free to join PAC.

Do I have to speak Polish to be a member of PAC?


Does PAC offer Polish classes?

Yes - we have classes for children. For more information, contact polish.classes@polamrtp.com.

Why is the site called www.polamrtp.com?

PolAmRTP stands for Polish American Club of the Research Triangle Park.

Who runs the Club?

The club is staffed entirely by volunteers. We always welcome new help!

How do I publish articles or advertisements in News Polonia?

We welcome articles for our newsletter News Polonia. Please contact our Editor at news.polonia@polamrtp.com .

How can I become a member of PAC?

You can become a member one of three ways:
1) You can apply and pay dues online
2) By mailing your paper registration form.
3) Next time you come to a PAC event, sign up on the spot.

What does the Club do?

The Club organizes many events. Examples include: Christmas party; Easter Mass; sporting events; and Fesitivals. For more details, check out our Events calendar to see what's happening this month.

When was the Club started?


What are the benefits of being a member of PAC?

1)Discounts for PAC events
2)Access to Polish books
3)Subscription to News Polonia
4)Participating in elections for Club officers

Can I come to PAC events even though I am not a member of PAC?

Yes. Everyone is welcome to join us. Non-members do not receive discounts to events and are required to pay full price. If you are a non-member and would like to become a member, you can sign up at the event.

How do I sign up to help in day-to-day activities or special projects at PAC?

Come to one of our meetings. Talk to the members of the leadership team about your ideas, interests and availability. We have planty of work and never enough people.

How do I voice my ideas & opinions?

We welcome new ideas, suggestions and especially your involvement in the day-to-day activities of the club. If you have an idea for a project, or an improvement to current process, do not hesitate to contact members of the leadership team and volunteer your time. PAC meetings are 1st Wednesday of every month (except for summer months). Join us and share your thought, ideas and time with PAC.

When are PAC meetings held?

PAC meetings are 1st Thursday of every month (except for summer months).
Check our calendar for exact time and place.

How much are the annual membership dues?

Please check the membership page.

How do I donate books to the Club?

The Club has quite a collection of books. If you are interested in donating books to the Club, feel free to  contact members of the leadership team.

Does PAC participate in International Festival?

PAC participates in the International Festival in Raleigh every time it is held.

What is Square?

Square allows user to pay using credit card. It's a secure and quick way to sign up for events, pay your membership dues or donate money.

What kind of projects are currently done by PAC?

Some examples of current projects: scholarship committee, film & theatre, membership list, Polish school for kids, Polish Easter Mass, Pasterka, Polish Festival, International Festival, Ognisko, Majowka, Sylwester, Christmas party, Ostatki, News Polonia, Website & monthly meeting preparation.